‘ˆξ“c‘εŠw ’†’J—ηmŒš’zŽjŒ€‹†ŽΊ Architectural History, Theory, Temporal Science for Architectual Expression,
"Nakatani Seminar", NAKATANI Norihito Lab." Department of Architecture, Waseda University. Œš’zŽjAŒš’z—˜_A—πŽjHŠwŒ€‹†


Japanese / English

‘Aiming a laboratory located in space and time

The past exists, not existed. It affects our present times.
Based on traditional architectural history research, the laboratory has established a new learning branch, namely "Research on temporal aspects of architectural expression(Rekishi-Kogaku)h.
We have been studying how objects and happenings coexist in different times, and how to utilize them.
Specifically, we propose the preservation and use of historical buildings, analyze and evaluate the cities and settlements which have remained for 1000 years (collaborating with landscape architecture, folklore and other disciplines), study and translate European architectural documents in early 20th century, study archiving (c.f. Waseda architecture) and rearrange historical things in new categories.

Norihito Nakatani